Enter your Serial Number

After you purchase Knoll Light Factory 3, you will receive a confirmation email that contains your serial number. You can enter this serial number during the installation process. Alternately, you can install the product in Trial mode and unlock the product with a serial number afterward.

Go here to learn how to install your product or run in Trial mode.



License product during installation

The final installation step for Knoll Light Factory is entering your serial number to license the product. The Registration page during the installation process gives you a Serial # field.

YOU MUST ENTER A SERIAL NUMBER TO USE KNOLL LIGHT FACTORY IN AUTHORIZED MODE. You can enter either a Knoll Light Factory serial number OR an Effects Suite serial number.

Both serial numbers appear in the following format:

AAAA #### #### #### ####

The serial number is a string of 20 characters. Type the 20-character serial number EXACTLY AS IT APPEARS in your purchase email. You must type the first four letters AND the numbers. You must enter all characters to complete the activation.





Unlock Trial mode after installation

If you do not enter a serial number for a product during installation, that product will automatically install and run in Trial mode. You can easily enter the serial number after installation. Click the Register or Options button in your host application to open the Red Giant Software authorization screen. There is a Serial Number field that will take your product or suite serial number.