What is Red Giant Holomatrix?

Holomatrix is a set of tools for generating holographic imagery as seen in Star Wars and many other sci-fi films. It can also be used to create the effect of digital signage, ghostly images and bad television reception. Holomatrix is a new generation of plug-in, as it applies a combination of expression scripts, pre-comps, filter combinations, and other software goodness. The installer installs several components, including scripts, presets, and two plug-ins: Holomatrix and Knoll Unmult.

Shown below are five great examples of what Holomatrix can create. We will use these project files in this manual to explain some of the Holomatrix parameters.

All source footage is courtesy of The Crowd Control Library of Pre-keyed Alpha Stock Footage. Available from All Bets Are Off Productions, www.allbetsareoff.com.


What is Looks What is Looks

Left to right, a ballarina and conductor perform as holograms.


What is Looks What is Looks

At left, digital signage. In middle, bad TV reception. At right, TV noise.